Living in Mauritius: A Guide to Expatriation  

Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean and graced with a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and a thriving community, Mauritius offers a unique opportunity to those seeking a life that transcends the ordinary. For some years now, Mauritian legislation has facilitated expatriation, which has helped to expand its economic horizons, especially in the tourism sector. As foreigners, you will have many choices if you want to settle in Mauritius. Whether it is to take advantage of real estate investment opportunities, enjoy your retirement in the tropics, work as an employee, or create your own business, Mauritius offers a variety of options for those who wish to expatriate. This article will guide you through the options available.   

 Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Mauritius. 

Mauritius is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, white sandy beaches, and tropical climate, making it an attractive destination for foreign real estate investors. Whether you’re looking for a second home, a rental investment, or a retirement haven, the island offers a variety of options. The real estate sector in Mauritius is continually growing, with investors vying for the best opportunities, particularly luxury properties. For instance, numerous projects, such as the prestigious villas of Cap Marina, are highly sought after. Several real estate agencies in Mauritius offer competitive prices and act as facilitators for these investors. The most coveted locations are in the North, between Grand Baie and Cap Malheureux. 

 These are the various investment models available: 

  • IRS (Integrated Resort Scheme) 
  • RES (Real Estate Scheme) 
  • IHS (Invest Hotel Scheme) 
  • Smart City Scheme 
  • R+2 Scheme 
  • Property Development Scheme 

Among the Evaco group, the Stantons team is here to assist you in making the best possible investments, providing expert advice, and developing strategies tailored to your specific needs. 

Retiring under the Mauritian sun 

Mauritius has now become a popular destination for those seeking to spend their retirement in a paradise-like setting. The pleasant climate, diverse leisure activities, and high quality of life make the island an attractive option for retirees. In addition to its exceptional environment, Mauritius also offers modern infrastructure, catering to the needs of retirees. High-quality healthcare centers, secure residential complexes, diverse leisure services, and delicious cuisine are integral parts of the Mauritian experience. Furthermore, the warm welcome from the local population contributes to creating a welcoming community where expatriates quickly feel at home. 

The Mauritian government has implemented attractive tax incentives for foreign retirees, making Mauritius an even more enticing choice. The residential retirement program offers tax benefits such as exemption from retirement income and reduced customs duties on the importation of personal goods. These financial advantages add an extra dimension to the appeal of the island as a retirement destination. 

Another significant advantage for retirees is the diversity of leisure activities available. Whether one is a fan of water sports, golf, nature hikes, or cultural discoveries, Mauritius offers a variety of options to satisfy all passions. Retirees can also engage in community activities and expand their social circle by participating in local events and dedicated clubs. 

Working in Mauritius  

For foreigners looking to settle in Mauritius, work is one of the other options available. Obtaining a work permit is not a simple task, but many Mauritian companies are increasingly willing to welcome professional immigrants and may even facilitate the procedures to obtain a work permit. 

 To obtain the “Occupational Permit Professional,” it is necessary to have a monthly salary exceeding Rs 30,000, equivalent to approximately 650 euros. This permit is then subject to a ten-year validity period, renewable by the employer. After three years spent in Mauritius in possession of the “Occupational Permit Professional,” you will then be eligible to request a residence permit. 

Finding a job is the least complex step but can indeed be overwhelming if you lack organization. It is crucial to have a well-crafted LinkedIn profile to seize the best opportunities and attract the attention of Mauritian companies. The job search is primarily done online, and for this, it is necessary to have an impeccable resume. 

Living as a Digital Nomad in Mauritius  

Mauritius, with its exquisite mix of white sandy beaches, mountainous landscapes, and diverse cultures, offers an ideal setting for those aspiring to be a digital nomad. By choosing this tropical destination, professionals looking for adventure can combine remote work with exploring this paradise island. 

Imagine starting your workday from a beachfront terrace, with the gentle murmur of the waves in the background. Mauritius, with its reliable internet access, modern infrastructure, and emerging coworking spaces, offers an environment conducive to productivity while allowing one to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds it. From quaint cafes to vibrant coworking spaces, the options for digital nomads are varied. The Premium Visa introduced in 2020 is a smart choice because it enables residents to stay on the island for a maximum of one year.  The beaches of Mauritius are not only places to relax after working hours, but also sources of inspiration. Finding the perfect balance between work and discovering the island’s hidden gems becomes a daily reality. Weekends can be devoted to exploring local markets, nature reserves, or underwater adventures in coral reefs.  

 An undeniable advantage of being a digital nomad in Mauritius is cultural enrichment. Interacting with the local population, tasting the delicious Mauritian cuisine, and participating in colorful festivals have become an integral part of this unique professional experience. 

Being a digital nomad in Mauritius is much more than a remote work experience; it is a total immersion in the luxury of island life. Mauritius is viewed as a sanctuary for individuals seeking inspiration in the tropics while pursuing their professional aspirations. 

Entrepreneurship in Mauritius 

Mauritius’ positive business climate makes it a good place to start a business, according to the 2022 World Bank Doing Business Report, which ranks it as the first country in Africa. This is another one of the options available to investors wanting to make Mauritius their home. Implementing a business in Mauritius is a choice that comes with multiple advantages because Mauritius is a country that is experiencing good economic growth that attracts thousands of investors. The stable economic environment and investment schemes such as the Global Business License provide foreign entrepreneurs with an ideal platform for the development of their projects. Investors benefit from favorable taxation, a qualified workforce, and strategic proximity to emerging markets in the region. Whether considering a small local business or an innovative startup, the Mauritian government actively supports foreign entrepreneurship. Additionally, the Mauritian government smoothens administrative procedures to encourage foreign investment, making the business creation process smooth and accessible.  

Tax incentives, simplified procedures for business creation, and a constantly growing market make the island an attractive place for entrepreneurs worldwide. Furthermore, proximity to emerging markets in Africa strengthens commercial potential. 

Points to remember for your projects in Mauritius  

Expatriating to Mauritius offers a myriad of opportunities, whether for real estate investment, enjoying a sunny retirement, working as an employee, starting your own business, or even marrying a Mauritian. With its welcoming environment, magnificent landscapes, and growing economy, Mauritius has become a sought-after destination for those seeking a new life under the tropical sun. To assist you in your investment projects, the Evaco Property team, strategically located in the North of the island, is at your complete disposal. To better understand your desires and help you make informed decisions about your purchases, do not hesitate to contact us.

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